Sheep Hunting
Directory of 3 Sheep lodges, guides and outfitters in .

Carter Outfitting Ltd is one of Alberta’s premier big game hunting outfitters, specializing in guided hunts for Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep and farmland whitetails and mule deer. Alberta boasts world record class bighorns and some of the biggest bucks in North America, making it the destination of choice for the serious trophy hunter. Whether you are a rifle hunter or archery enthusiast, we will provide you with the finest guides, great accommodations, and an all-around quality experience. Come explore the wilds of Canada and see the Alberta we want to share with you!

We will be hunting west of the Caroline Lodge about 2 hour drive. Our areas are primarily Wilderness, a Bighorn mecca as it is one of the hardest areas to access in the Southern Alberta Bighorn range, thus producing big Mature rams. As well the Famous Banff National park always harbors large mature rams that frequent these areas making it in my mind Alberta’s top pick for harvesting a Large Alberta Ram with Gun or Bow.

The most prestigious, regal and recognized big game animal in North America is the Rocky Mountain sheep. We start with horses to get into the Sheep Hunting area and then we will resort to a backpack style hunt once in the high country. This will be the most efficient way to hunt the sheep in this area, maximizing our time afield so we can find you that great ram of your dreams. Many of us have been putting in for limited sheep draws throughout the western states but odds are so low and they get worse as more people apply that we may never get drawn. Our sheep tags are guaranteed for non-residents, no drawing required! This hunt will be fourteen days in duration in the month of September with experienced sheep guides. Being in good condition is a must for this hunt and one must prepare physically and mentally long before the hunt begins.